basic expectations

In our studies, we will regularly return to these essential questions:

Who am I ?

What are my primary responsibilities to myself and to the communities in which I live?

What does wisdom look like?

Ideally, your actions in and out of class, individually and collectively, are rooted in the school’s four main pillars: love of learning, respect for self and others, faith in God, service to the world community.

In other words, I trust that, and will do my best to see that, you enjoy and/or appreciate our study together–not everything, but a significant amount of it.  With your words, both spoken and written, please respect the individual worth of each person, including yourself.  The idea of  individual human worth lies at the heart of the world’s major religious traditions, including the Episcopal tradition, to which this school is officially connected.

Lastly, ask yourself, “How can I apply my learning by serving people other than myself?”

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